Management Team
PIKSCO Corporation Board of Directors consists of six directors; President, Vice President, and four directors chairing committees such as Finance, Architectural Control, Ocean Park, Sound Parks and Special Projects. Two directors rotate off the Board each year. Administrative duties are overseen by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.
Elected Board Members hold their monthly meetings in Pine Knoll Shores Town Hall on the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30PM, and meetings are open to all members
2023 -2024 Board of Directors
Front Row Director PJ Barbour, Director Laura Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer Erica Reed.
Back Row Vice President Tom Kowalski, Director Tom Smith, President Darryl Moore, Director Ches Garner.
2022 -2023 Board of Directors
Front Row: Director Laura Johnson, Director Tom Kowalski, Vice President Darryl Moore. Back Row: Director Tom Smith, President Ric Cox, Director David Wilson.
2017-2018 Board of Directors:
Left to Right: Vice President Ric Cox, Director Gary Corsmeier, Director Lee Johnson, President Buz Jenkins, Director Debi Suggs, Director Stacy Wilson
2014-2015 Board of Directors
Top Row: Vice President Ric Cox, Director Gary Corsmeier
Middle Row: Director Lee Johnson, Director Sylvia Brodman
Bottom Row: President Ches Garner, Director Greg Taylor
2013-2014 Board of Directors
Left to Right: Director Lee Johnson, Director Sylvia Brodman, President Ric Cox, Director Candace Moran, Director Bruce Flynt and Vice President Ches Garner.
2012 -2013 Board of Directors
Left to right: Director Joanie King; Director Jean Macheca; President Ric Cox; Director Sylvia Brodman; Director Bruce Flynt; Vice President Ches Garner